
Is it just me? or does it get to a point where everyone but you seems to be finding someones, and all it takes is one day in february to remind you of that like a kick in the balls. If PDA wasnt nauseous enough now i have to see it with roses and chocolates scattered. I know im being so salty but still.. My mum thinks id be a terrible girlfriend and wife and that i will die a spinster with cats.. shes probably right though i mean i tried to push past her comments but theyre getting more realistic by the day. 

Surely there is someone for everyone.. some people have multiple people it seems but what is theres nobody left for me? and i cant exclude my best friend from this as we are in the same boat.

shes equally as single and lonely so we just drink ourselves to death in hopes of being approached by two music loving guys to whisk us on the ultimate two man..

I dont need a relationship... but it would be nice

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Dank Ghost

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Christ, what's with your mom of all people saying that to you, her own child. I'm sorry to hear that man. She seems just objectively cruel. I'm positive some day you'll find someone. Don't compromise on what you want, find someone that deserves your full self

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nah lowkey im just refusing to date someone whos gonna compremise me having fun yk?

by darcy; ; Report

epic!!! Better yet, fuck men. Who needs them?

by Dank Ghost; ; Report