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Category: Blogging

Why Valentine's is Just a Date

As I went into class, realized it was the 14th. Saw my classmates getting flowers, chocolates (boring) except for my friend—who gave her girlfriend a drawing. It's really sweet with her, just not with others. Anyway, I spectate around the room noticing one of my classmate was crying. 

I asked her if she was doing well. Ofcourse...! She said no, I'm not an expert in assuring so I just gave her some space. Apparently, she was sad because her 'handsome' boy didn't give her gifts. I now think Valentine's hallucinate people.

Nothing wrong with a little act of love. However, if you act sad you're spending alone please don't. Spending alone is great! Gives you time to reflect yourself. Instead of being sad, you can be relieved. Plus, you get chocolates for yourself and you won't have to share. 

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