Parasite: "They are rich but still nice. / They are nice because they are rich."
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» What you should know:
- 2019 korean MASTERPIECE holyyy shit
- BRIEF SUMMARY: a con artist family slowly leeches their way onto a super rich family, a web of lies and chaos ensues
- if i had to give this movie a genre, it would without a doubt be SUSPENSE.
i really didn't know what to expect going in, i thought it was going to be more horror or drama. but the second half of this movie had me on the edge of my seat, jaw to the FLOOR.
i am not exaggerating when i say that my palms were sweaty for an hour straight
✮ The Good Stuff!
- there's nothing much more to say than this movie did what it set out to do PERFECTLY.
going into Parasite blind, i had no clue what to expect. the first half was all setup, and building this web of lies piece by piece. but once the second act kicked in, i realized what was going to happen and the rest of the story began to fill itself in.
AND EVEN THOUGH i realized what the plot was moving towards, Parasite STILL never failed to surprise me. the craziest twists and turns ive seen in a movie for a long time, by far.
- production was ON TOP:
the actors were incredible. their voices, intonations, etc. were all so perfect for the tone and set the mood for the entire movie. Parasite seriously would have been half the movie it is if it wasn't for the talent of the cast
sound design was so so so SO immersive and intense. for a suspenseful movie, it's so integral for the audio to 1. sound GOOD and 2. make sense. Every tiny movement and action felt like it was happening right in front of me because of the incredible, deliberate sound design.
i could go on and on about the production of this movie but atp i feel like im just sucking its dick
- the plot and themes were both entertaining and powerful
plot wise, this was a very entertaining movie to watch. you have a poor family living in a basement in South Korea, slowly infiltrating their way into a rich family to leech off their money, by manipulating the rich people to fire all of their workers, and then take their positions. their methods are so funny and creative, and you find yourself rooting for this group of vagabond con-people
the characters in this movie drive the plot forward so naturally, and in my opinion the movie ends satisfyingly. it's weird to say, because it has an obscure, open ended conclusion that leaves the viewer not completely sure of what happens. but it feels right, and not like a cheap trick.
the themes of this movie revolve mainly around money and class. it displays the hard life of a poor family, and directly contrasts it to the high living and out of touch lifestyle of a rich family. this disparity is also the driving force behind the biggest twist in the movie, and it makes so much sense. i LOVE this theming
i can't wait to rewatch this movie because of the theming, and trying to find what i missed (which i feel like i definitely did). Parasite seems like the mind of movie that you could watch 10 times and come away feeling something completely differently each watch.
ˊᴖˋ The Not so good stuff...
it sounds crazy to say, but i legitimately cannot think of something i didn't like about Parasite. i have spent most of this blog talking about all of the good stuff, simply because i don't even know what i would negatively point out. this movie was SPECTACULAR.
everything about this movie was deliberate and fit together so well. i think you already know what the scoring is going to be...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 10 /10! !!!!!!^^
slop level:
⚫ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ 1 slop / 10 slops
NOT SLOP. genuinely such an impressive, direct, well made movie
thanks for reading! more reviews on the way ^^
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another banger blog naturally
I LOVE PARASITE !!!! i also really wanna watch Mickey 17 by the same director, Bong Joon-Ho, he's amazing (so look out for that soon) !! also love the review :))
ur so right i should totally check more out by that director. thx ^^
by oner; ; Report
Mulch Lover
Crazily well done formatting for this movie review, kudos 👍👍 (the review was also very good lol)
thank you! btw i like your profile :D
by oner; ; Report
Tyyyyy 🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭
by Mulch Lover; ; Report