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Category: Life

My dumb phone journey

Hi everyone! About a month ago I decided I needed a dumb phone cause it looks cool, their camera screams 2000 cause of the shitty quality, and I wanted to play the games that I played on my  grandparents' old phones. After a while I found a Nokia N95-8gb for sale online! It was perfect. So I bought it.

Seller did not reset the phone so I was left with some funny pics and some questionable contact names like "The Devil, Ant, Chirp Chirp, Captain Black Adem , and Monkey."  These probably were a nickname but its funny.


Previous owner had pets I guess. Photos were from 2014, I hope they lived a happy life!!

And to my surprise, phone had spiderman 3 movie, which was promotional for this phone. 

After messing enough, I personalised the phone. First thing I did was uploading a house episode!

After that some games, music and etc. This is where it went wrong!! Games stuttered a bit, which was normal for the time, but not for me I guess.  To fix stuttering, I decided to update the firmware of the phone(big mistake). After watching tutorials and reading forums that said it was easy to update it but also said to be careful cause slightest thing could brick the phone, I decided to do it thinking I could get away without bricking the phone.

So I started watching a tutorial and doing what the video told me exactly. Video said that do not unplug or turn off your computer during the update or you could brick your phone. And I said to myself "haha what idiot would unplug their phone!". Well my computer crashed during the update because the software did not like the modern windows and no one told me so. Which bricked the phone. This picture was taken right before the computer crashed.

So I was desperate to get my phone fixed, but after researching for 4 days, I learned that this was the one of the only models that needed a specific tool to be unbricked, which I didn't own. I asked few repair shops if they have this tool, they didn't. So I had to buy specific set of screwdriver and another one of this model to replace the motherboard.  It cost more than the first phone but it was worth it cause the front camera in the new one was working! After 2 hours of dissecting the 2 phones and replacing the components, I finally fixed the phone!

Here is the mess I made during the "surgery".

And here's  the afterwards!!1

And this is the quality of the camera!! It isn't great compared to today but it feels nice!

Anyways thats all!

4 Kudos


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Benrey's profile picture

dude, this is actually so awesome. Peak use of skills, and time tbh

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Angy's profile picture

This was the best blog I've ever read. I also have like 15 year old 2 flip phones, I bought them from an antique market. One of them works but it doesn't let me look at it because of the sim card lol. I couldn't get the other one to work either. Your determination REAALLY REALLY impressed me, I'm crazy about phones like this, same like you. Did you get this phone to work without a sim card? I loved your determination by the way, enjoy it.

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Thank you!! Nokia's pre Bb-5 generation phones doesn't work without a sim idk why. There isn't really a work around. But you can use inactive sims to bypass the lock.

by Arda.x; ; Report

you are welcome, and thank you for giving me this brilliant idea. Wish you the best!

by Angy; ; Report

You are welcomee!!1

by Arda.x; ; Report


joel's profile picture

thank you for sharing!! i really appreciate all the pictures.. ive been wanting to get a dumbphone too! ill be getting a mildly-stupid flip phone though most likely.. i wish you well on your journey!!

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