(need help!) GERD safe foods?

I'm a bit frustrated bc I thought i finally adjusted my diet to be perfect and i know this acid reflux been going on for a while now but im still struggling to adjust my recipies

And now it's a night of burning throat upset stomach and my heads congested bc im still sick.

All bc i wanted onions in my soup and a cup of hot cocoa before bed.

The fact that chocolate triggers my reflux is what rly kills me. Also garlic, bc I can't salt my food so i use garlic welp.

I got some ideas from some videos for recipies. I just gotta start being more mindful. I know I can do it I was vegan for a few years! Its just hard to get back into the habit of tracking every little thing :p tracking salt and water was hard enough for me and took me over a year to get used to.

I'm thinking about eating fish more, as sad as that makes me Omega 3s are super important for combating GERD. Sardines are great for that, plus i can throw them together with broccoli and rice. I just need to watch salt with fish.. They're very salty even without added salts.

If anyone else has acid reflux or full blown GERD like I do lmk what kinda foods you eat to help reduce triggering it I would rly appreciate it 😇😇😇

I am allergic to red meat, shellfish, gelatin, dairy, agave, guava, most artificial sweeteners (not corn syrup thats ok), and pineapples. I can't have caffine, (ngl I have coffee anyway I need it), and my salt limit is 1500mg as i have to manage it to prevent more kidney stones (I've had a lot)

So I feel pretty limited now in what i can eat.. I really appreciate ideas and suggestions while im waiting on my next appointment

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Jon 🐇

Jon 🐇's profile picture

I abused my stomach for years (too much ibuprofen) and I'm still paying the price. I'm on 4 scrips for my tummy right now :P
how is rice for you? I've gone through two and a half 20lb bags of basmati rice over the last few years. it takes flavors well too :)

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rice is good for me thankfully!! its mostly foods that are acidic or spicy that trigger reflux... which is horrible bc i cant do salt so i make salt free hot sauce and slather everything i love in onions to mask the fact my food is saltless

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report

I have to watch my salt too, but for high blood pressure reasons :(

by Jon 🐇; ; Report


joint's profile picture

see im so sure my partner has GERD because the randomest foods will give it acid reflux like all the time, way more than anyone else i know, but it just doesn't go to the doctor and it just eats TUMS ALL THE TIME!!

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that's no good, I used to do that too. it needs to see a physician! :O

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

they should get it checked out before it develops into more severe problem, hence why I'm trying so hard to adjust my diet now rather than push it off and suffer from worse problems, like ulcers and chronic esophogitis

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report


by joint; ; Report