! I bake a lot and ive been wanting to share a few recipes! I wasn’t really sure what to start with but apple pie is my favorite dessert ever so it only felt natural to start with that!

- the amount of crust and filling will depend on how wide/deep your pie dish is! This is just the amount that works for me!
- This will take a while to make and pie crust can be difficult for beginners
- I had to translate this from Norwegian since that’s how I originally wrote it down so I apologize if its written weird !!
- Im European so the measurements are in grams, ill try to convert it!!
- Pie crust Ingredients
- Making the dough
- Bottom of pie crust process
- Pie filling ingridients
- Making the filling
- Finishing the pie
- Eat up yum yum
Pie crust (one portion)
- 250 grams flour (about 2 cups)
- 150 grams (2/3 cup)room temperature butter) (I use salted butter)
- 3 tea table spoons water
- ½ tea spoon salt
In the end you’ll have made 3 portions!
Instructions (bottom half):
· Add the flour, butter, water and salt in a food processor (one portion at the time! you'll make 3.)
· Once you’ve gotten it all combined (you may have to kneed it with your hands) and made the 3 portions you refrigerate it for about 30 minutes. Make sure to cover it so it doesn’t dry out!) the dough should not be too crumbly, if it is you should try to kneed it together, the warmth from your hands will help the butter combine with the rest!
· Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius (356 Fahrenheit) !
· Use half of your dough to make the bottom of your pie crust after its been refrigerated. You’ll have to kneed it a bit before you can role it out since it will be pretty hard, the longer it's in the fridge, the harder it will be. If it's too soft it will be hard to shape and transfer later. Temperature is important!
· Roll out the dough until its about 3mm thick. (Id recommend doing this on a baking sheet since this could easily stick to your kitchen counter making it hard to transfer to the pie dish later!)
· Once your dough is in the pie dish, you can try to make it as smooth as possible, try to avoid air pockets and cracks. Use a fork to stick holes into the bottom so that air can escape during baking. Cover the bottom with pie weights or dried peas before putting it in the oven!
· Let this bake in the over for 15min! the bottom half of the crust is baked beforehand so it wont get soggy later when done, let it cool and take out the pie weights/ dried peas.
Pie filling:
- 6 green apple
- 5 canned peaches (1 canned peach is technically just a half lol)
I like to add peached to it just because I think its yummy, but if you don’t want any peaches at all you can substitute them with 3 more green apples!
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 desi liters sugar
- 2 tablespoons cinnamon
- 1 desi liter apple juice or apple cider (id recommend apple cider but either one works)
· Cut up alle the fruit into cubes and let it simmer in a large pan or pot with the butter until the fruit is soft/mushy
· Add in the sugar and cinnamon, wait for the sugar to dissolve before adding the juice/ cider. Let it simmer until the liquid becomes thicker and like a syrup-ish consistency. If you want it thicker you can add more sugar or less juice
· Add the filling to the pie dish, remember to remove the dried peas/pie weights if you haven’t yet.
· Roll out the remaining pie dough just like we did earlier and drape it over the filled pie. Remove excess dough from the sides
· Make sure to add some holes or cuts on the center of the pie so that air can escape!
· You can Wisk an egg and brush it over the pie to make it golden brown when baked but its not necessary, just pretty <3
· Put the pie in the oven on the middle oven rack at 180 degrees Celsius (356 Fahrenheit) for about 30 min.
And that’s all! I hope this was easy enough to follow, my writing isn’t the best. I would add pictures of the process but I have no idea how to do that + I haven’t made a pie since Christmas.
P.S: making a nice looking pie is like crazy hard so no worries if it aint pretty. You’re gonna chew it up anyways!!

If anything doesn’t make sense, please let me know so that can clarify <3
bye bye! <3
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this sounds so yummy! fantastic! :]
Ty ty :))
by Autumn ✧.*; ; Report
dude this is amazing!! You put so much care and time into this recipe <33
aw thank you!! it took be a while but it was fun so idm<33
by Autumn ✧.*; ; Report