mars's profile picture

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Category: Pets and Animals

mollusk of the week!

hello! i thought to inaugurate this blog, i'd start by choosing a mollusk to write about every single week (let's see if i can keep up lol). 

this week's mollusk is: chromodoris lochi!

a beautiful creature!

this stunning creature belongs to the family gastropoda, which (as i recently found out) comprises 80% of all classified mollusks! these particular guys are found in malaysia, indonesia, the phillipines, and even on the northern coast of australia. they can range from a clear blue like this handsome little guy above or a paler, almost white hue, with dark lines crossing the mantle and foot. those horn-esque structures on its front are called rhinophores, while the more feathered structures on the other side are its gills. he almost looks like a bunny with a fluffy tail (though the title of sea bunny is reserved for jorunna parva, another gorgeous nudibranch that will surely earn a spot on mollusk of the week.) 

i decided to start with a nudibranch as they are personal favorites of mine, given their adorable, colorful appearances. it honestly astounds me that such beautiful, vibrant creatures exist in this world! i often find myself wishing humans had such interesting and alluring coloration, but instead we got sentience and opposable thumbs and stuff. blah. maybe in another life i'll be reborn as a sea slug...

i'll insert a few more pictures to show their variation.

chromodoris lochi with a paler coloration.another cutie :)

silly creature...his rhinophores are so pink!

(hint for next week's mollusk: neither squid nor octopus, this gelatinous deep sea creature is the only surviving member of its order...)

12 Kudos


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Jaiii's profile picture

even more competition in the daily/weekly animal review blog space!!!!!

how did you get the rounded corners for the image gallery at the bottom? some fancy inline css magic?

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hello! i’m actually not aware of any other animal of the week type blogs, if you can recommend some i’d love to check them out :]

also i used this css

img {
border-radius: 10%;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;

border radius is what controls how rounded the corners are, 50% will give you a completely circular picture. the margin stuff is just to control how spaced out the pictures are.

thanks for checking the blog out!

by mars; ; Report


tiger's profile picture

those guys look so cute, i can't wait to see more next week!.

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thanks so much!! i like your profile pic, is that a yellow discus? very cute fish :)

by mars; ; Report

yes it is, i think all the aquatic creatures are the cutest things on earth, i hope you post more pictures of those fabulous molluscs.

by tiger; ; Report