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Category: Life

When Parents die 💔

When Parents die 💔, nothing is the same anymore. We can no longer be children, we will no longer feel carried away by their hugs, kisses and words of encouragement. It seems like life is getting harder because their protective love is no longer there. When parents are no longer with us, we are orphans and that is hard regardless of age. Even though you created your family, the face of your parents is ingrained in you for eternity. All people, even if we are adults, have this living child inside us who wants to be protected all the time by his parents. Turning to their unconditional love whenever necesary, but when they are gone, that option is no longer possible...!!! 😭

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Spacehaze Goddess

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I'm feeling this. There is such a big void once they've gone - and Christmas time doesn't get any easier with all those memories... but they are nice memories.
Yes, you tend to feel a bit lost without them at times. And as you get older, the age gap between us and them seems to close, so we can relate more to them and have a better understanding (in my experience).
I do believe in the afterlife though :)

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Yes! 💗

by SafeInSanity; ; Report