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Category: Blogging

Minori yaps!

Hi everyone! This is my first ever blog on spacehey and I’d like to dedicate it to my favourite character ever, minori hansato, the idol from the hit game project sekai/colourful stage! <3

I’ve loved minori since December 19 2023 ik it hasn’t been such a long time but over these years I had grown a strong love for her. Why do you like minori so much? Well aside from her silly character I really liked how in the game she persevered through everything even after being rejected by many many idol companies. She tells me to never give up on my dreams cause they will come true one day! And she was right! I’ve put in all my effort into my art portfolio and managed to get into the art school of my dreams!

Other than telling me not to give up on my dreams, minori has always put up a smile onto my face no matter what. Whenever I’m sad i always think of minori and I suddenly smile. In the game her dream is to become an idol and deliver hope to everyone and she has done that! She has given me all the motivation and hope I needed through these dark times.

In school I was bullied a lot for liking minori so much and having her as my only source for hope. But although she’s just a game character, she means the whole world to me and is real in my world. She’s done so much for me in my mental health and I genuinely don’t know how to thank her cause she’s not real. But no matter what I still love her with all my heart and will forever be a minori kamioshi 💗

Thank you for reading this message filled with love, from zen

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