hey all, one of our goals for 2025 is to add more ppl into our art collective, so if ur interested in designing or modelling for us this is gonna be an essential read. ^.^ however this is going to be a very boring blog about thing like taxes, business regulations and other things that are not very rawr XD
But first, a preview of one of our upcoming designs, we will be dropping a few very soon <<<<<333
ok, so if u want more info about the actual creative processes behind our designs, plz see our previous blog about why we don't use AI on our designs. once again this post is mostly about boring business regulations im sawwy ;-;
- our artists have to sign a document giving us the commercial rights to the designs we commission from you. our contracts do not prohibit you from posting your works in your own portfolio, as long as you take adequate steps to prevent intellectual property theft (i.e watermarks, different backgrounds etc).
- you will also have to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents you from talking about upcoming projects without permission
- payments are NOT subject to non-disclosure agreements, this means that if u ever feel u have been underpaid or screwed over financially, you are allowed to voice your concerns publicly without breaking any contracts (ofc if any of our artists do feel that way, u should always contact us first). our business model is very pro-artist so we don't expect this to actually happen, we just think it's a good company policy because it forces honesty
- we dont wanna talk about our security measures too much because talking about security is kind of a security fail, but we take precautions to make sure that these documents cannot be accessed even in the event that our account is compromised. we take the privacy and safety of our artists VERY seriously.
- artists get a percentage of the profits each time one of their designs sell. remember that we r a small brand rn so we cannot guarantee that this will provide u a solid side income at this time, but it means that if we make it big we are taking all of our artists with us <3
- the amount of profit from each product (and thus the sales percentage that goes to artists) may change because of various reasons, like the price of textiles going up. all of our products are either printed or assembled in the USA* (from a combination of local and imported goods, depending on the specific product) so if trump randomly decides to put tariffs on a few more countries that could put us in a position where we either have to raise prices or give our artists smaller commissions
*not including products on our Australian store ofc
- we are an actual registered business and we have to pay a flat tax rate on any sales, most artists in this space aren't registered through an LLC or any other kind of taxable entity (or eligible for tax-withholding) which means we can't claim your labor costs and sales payouts as a tax write-off like most corporations can. i dont wanna turn this into a long tax rant but tl;dr we have to pay taxes even on the 'profits' that go straight to our artists. we are 99.9% sure that this is literally THE most pro-artist business model possible under the current western capitalist framework and we take pride in that. yes it makes our brand less profitable but w/e, we didnt start this to exploit artists for profit, we started this because we love the fashion and the culture of this space and we wanted to do something with our lives that isnt fkn depressing 🤣
- so we may hire artists to do things like banner art, or maybe to make us a custom html layout etc etc. we don't pay sales percentages for these kinds of things because, liek, they're not being sold, we will just agree on a $$ amount with the artist for a one off payment, hence no commercial rights contract etc required.
- similar process to the above, we agree just agree on a set amount and send you the products to model.
- in the future we may offer discount codes (or something similar) to ppl who let us use content they've made wearing our products, just understand this is a different process to models we actively seek out and hire
- while all of our modelling content is SFW, we dont hire anyone under 18, sry, too many potential ethical issues that we just dont want to deal with. btw this is also why we dont respond to IMs that ask personal questions (or rly anything besides questions about products, postage options etc), at the end of the day we can't be 100% sure who we're speaking with so we have to keep our communications professional in order to keep this as a fun and safe space, i hope u all understand <3
- ok so look we're an alt fashion brand ok, i think its pretty reasonable that we want our presence to be apolitical so we're probably not gonna work with u if ur page is covered in content thats like 'fk this country, fk that country' etc etc. if u wanna support charities that help civilians in conflict zones, impoverished areas etc, obviously that stuff is 100% fine but ye, hopefully this one is pretty self explanatory and we dont need to elaborate further 🤣
- we dont rly care if u have potentially 'problematic' personal opinions outside of that context, so we won't cancel u for something u said on a different website with a different username or anything liek that, UNLESS ur an actual p*do/MAP activist or something fkd up like that, p*dos can fk off - preferably towards the nearest cliff (can I say that or will I get in trouble?? meh XD)
ok thats it, sry i know that was a long/boring one but rest assured the next few blogs we post are all gonna be about cute designs and kewl competitions ^.^
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Natty Daddy
i'm interested in modelling <3
ooooh okay :3 we are in the process of sorting things out for our next lot of shoots, we will take a look at ur profile later and get back to u!
by Grape Flavored; ; Report
is it okay 2 ask who u print ur stuff through for Aus? the quality is so good!!
(I've been wanting to print some custom shirts & I've done 1 so far but the quality wasn't great, so have been wanting 2 ask for a while but didn't wanna bug u)
ofc its no problem happy to, ill send u an IM <3
by Grape Flavored; ; Report