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Category: Friends

so done

I'm actually so fucking done with all my friends, they're fucking slow and stupid seriously put your brain to work. and my closer friends piss me off so bad because what the fuck do you mean "I had no idea you were trans HELP SORRY" right.. ok so you just straight up ignored the billion other times I brought up being trans? using he pronouns? oh right because you never fucking listened and CONTINUED to misgender me, look I don't really give two fucks anymore because I know myself and I don't feel the need to convince others that I am this way to accept that this is who I am but this put me off because you mean to tell me the many years that we've been friends where I had to correct you to use he/him for me doesn't mean anything? did you think me being trans was a phase and after I stopped correcting you?? you just started assuming I'm "back to being a woman"?? kys actually 

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