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Category: Life

You can become your own idol

How I Cultivated My Image

People wish and want, and wish and want. They have idols, and pin boards, and celebs they may look up to. Turns out it aint that hard to become your idol. I'm gonna share my tips and tricks to becoming someone you admire in the mirror, rather than loathe.

Be honest. No one likes a poser, if you like an 'aesthetic' or look, dive in, learn the culture and history. Talk to folks within that culture, get involved in what they believe in. And if that aint for you, then maybe that 'aesthetic' aint for you.

I'm a city boy that's been moved west (western New York, or as people from my city would call, upstate NY) and while I still have my Bronx accent, I have immersed myself into the culture of even farther west. I went out west, many a time, met with people within the cowboy world and learned.

I know lots of y'all online trying to dismantle the stigma around posers. But honest to goodness how can one facade themselves with the superficial skin of a movement, lifestyle, or culture, and look themselves in the mirror each morning and believe in themself.

To become who you aspire to be, you must truly become.

Since this is my blog I wanna follow my story.

I always loved cowboys and dinosaurs, thought they were cool as fuck and wanted to be like Indiana Jones but for dinosaurs. So what did I do? Wore a hat, always wore a cowboy hat, begged my uncle to teach me to shoot, and took as many Paleo summer camps as my mom could afford. I went through many styles through the years but the hat stuck.

And when I played Fallout New Vegas and Red Dead Redemption the first time I KNEW I needed to be a cowboy. I never really got it, I just wore the hat and I had a horse and did show and work at the barn, but I was too quiet of a person to cultivate my image.

Step one is to not be so scared, people may laugh, but more people will admire and wish. You will may end up being the inspiration for someone else to grow their image.

About a yearish ago, I started deciding to dress better, to actually put care into my looks. The best part is it doesn't have to be elaborate. You don't need expensive clothes to look good, in my daily go to outfit, only 4 items are bought new, the rest thrifted. I also suggest it be practical. I got a summer version of this outfit in white and light browns for hot weather.

(note not a real pistol, I shoot rifles lol, took this out to get some reference photos for a painting, yes I shoot from my left.)

One thing you'll notice after dressing yourself up nice, is how you carry yourself. It's natural really, you carry yourself with more confidence when you know you look good. I specifically picked Clint Eastwood (obviously) as my inspiration. I admire The Man With No Name, if it wasn't the 21st century by god you'd bet I would be chasing trains and stashes of gold.

Obviously I curb that. And ground myself in reality, I ride, I shoot, I work a farm, I'm a Geologist. People turn heads when they hear you aint just someone playing pretend. That's the difference from dressing up, and having an image.

I'm known around here, my face has a name, and my name a face.

You wanna be punk? BE punk, make your own jackets, protest, support your fellow man, and be kind. Most of all, no matter who you trying to be, be kind.

A kind person is one who leaves a lasting impression. A honest person lingers in someone mind.

I'm not playing cowboy I'm making strides to BE cowboy. You come off different when the way you carry yourself is genuine. Most of all, stick to it. I never take a day off from being me, because if it's truly who you are, you won't need a break.

And yes I do like country music, just pre 9-11 country, post 2001 country is ass.

Much Love,
 A Wolf on the Web

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