I'm sitting in English class. I really like my proof, and she's gonna bring me some philosophy books from her own collection to give to me, I'm very excited. No one in this class talks and it makes me so so sad. I love conversations in class, why don't people talk anymore? I can't remember if I wrote this in my last entry.
We're doing a cute little formal analysis of a movie poster of our choosing, and I decided on Son-In-Law with Pauly Shore. I would usually pick a movie more "refined" but I need some comedy in my life. I also have a very deep love of early 90's Pauly Shore. I've come to realize that most people my age (in the least pick-me way possible) don't know about Pauly Shore and how much of a heartthrob he deserves to be. Like people need to get ON the Pauly Shore train. I feel so alone.
Anyway, over the weekend I spent the entire time cleaning my god-awful depression room, and I'm very proud of what I got done. I find it hard to keep my environment organized, I feel like my brain spins too fast to slow down and keep things tidy. It feels like it only slows down when I make art, that's like the only time I feel like ti slows down. I don't wander when I make art, it draws me in solely you know. I need to create more, recently my mind has been too wandery.
I hope anyone reading is doing well, the world is weird and so are we. Luv u!
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