I went to a car meet yesterday that had a whole Lunar New Year thing going on. It was really cool. Lots of dope cars and great cosplays! It's mainly itashas that show up alongside other cars. My friend got some awesome photos of some really cool cosplays. Below I'll link some of my favorite cars. Personally, I was more focused on the cool cars and stuff, sorry I didn't really take pictures of the cosplays!
Interesting SN95 Mustang with Itasha
Coolest AE86 you'll ever see (biased)
hope you enjoyed looking at these photos!!
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pejota ^_^
itasha are siiiick btw i love 86's
hell yeah
by BrownZombie; ; Report
that yellow fairylady is cleann!!.
(off topic)
How did u post images like that like those links
the yellow farilady was gorgeous!!
When you're making a blog, there's an add link button. First, you upload your images to a different image hosting site like https://postimages.org/ then, you grab their link and paste it into your spacehey blog. I hope that makes sense!!
by BrownZombie; ; Report
thx that helps alot!!
by Branch; ; Report
OMG these cars are so cool!! I hope they make an event like this in my city soon :'D I'd love to see cars like that!!
There were so many more cars I just picked the ones that really stood out to me :D
Could always host your own meet!! haha
by BrownZombie; ; Report