alrighty guys, week 2! I felt pretty good doing week 1 so let's hope I can keep this up :)
• Sunday - 2/9/25
- because of the competition yesterday, I slept like a damn BABY, all the way to 10:50am
- nothin much of note happened today, mostly just chillin around and also writing a journal-rant on a non-disclosed site
- I'm gatekeeping so I don't get embarrassed ( ‾‾◡‾‾ )
- I made pretty dang good progress on the 'For the Win' Musescore 4 thingy.
- have a lil peak of it here! ԅ(‾⌣‾)ԅ
- (I have no idea how to make a Gyazo video into an HTML thing)
- okey cheers guys and I hope y'all have a good weeeeeek
• Monday - 2/10/25
- like always, I had bad sleep today, but today was a bit worse
- (I fell asleep at 12:00am and woke up at 4:47am!;-;)
- apparently there was a test in my first period math class, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT!!!
- but atleast he gave us 10 minutes to study
- I think I did alright on the MCQ part, but I got no idea for the FRQ…
- anyways, the for the first part of my free period I went to hangout in ‘club’ and to also talk to my ‘coach’ to get the scoring sheets of the competition last saturday…. and ooh man, was they bad….
- for the second part of my free period, I went to Orchestra to practice, but I didn’t realize that the Philharmonic & Concert groups were rehearsing, so I basically did nothing :P
- during 3rd (my actually orchestra class) there was a soft lockdown, so we missed a good chunk off our playing time sadly
- we had exercises for 4th, the thing is though, there was a visitor observing us so our teacher pushed all of us way harder than usual
- (my bones still hurtt from it)
- I had afterschool because of a test I needed to do with my team, a test that would determine if we went to Washington D.C.
- we failed…
- but anways, after that we (the team) went to mcdonalds and I let them split one of my burgers for them as a gift 💝 (they had no money and they were eyeing my food down hahaha •_•)
- after eating I went with one of my friends to go to game-stop to look around, but after like 6 mins I decided I gotta go home
- I didn’t have no ride so I had to walk 41 minutes home, and man, I took the looooongest 2 hour nap of my life, (till around 6:30pm)
- that’s pretty much it! cya!
• Tuesday - 2/11/25
- AGHUUUUH, I HATE MY B-DAY CLASSES, YOU EVIL 5th, 6th, 7th, AND 8th!!!! >:(
- sighhh, welp, another day down the drain, but hey! tomorrow is the last day before the mid-winter break!!
- nothin too much of note for the day, except for tests in 7th and 8th (ApWorld and ELA respectively)
- aww man tho, there’s gonna be an ApPhysics test tomorrow 💔
- afterschool, blah blah blah, the usu the usu, the only thing was that I gave my friend, Matt, a ride home. Such an awesome dude.
- I have no idea why I’m name dropping him, no-one’s ever gonna find this blog irl, but if he ever does see this I just know he wouldn’t mind since he’s chill like that :p
- besides that, I made more progress om the music
- alright, I’m seriously burnt out and needa sleep, so that’s gonna be it, bye bye!
• Wednesday- 2/12/25
- oh jeezums I am exhausted ;I
- it’s 11:17 pm at the moment, so tomorrow I’m gonna try to remember what I did today
- butttttttt, here’s two photos + art to compensate :D
- nighty night…
• Thursday - 2/13/25
- I’m gonna be honest, I totally forgot what I did yesterday. But to be fair…..I have really bad memory, it’s like one of my biggest traits everyone points out to me. You know what though, I guess that’s the point of these blogs, I’m doing these so I can document my days and look back on them in the future :A
- nevertheless, IT’S MID-WINTER “BREAK”!!!! (it’s literally just 5 days including the weekend) wahooo!!!
- I hate to admit this but I got out of bed at 12:30am, MAN I was just having the best sleep of my LIFE. (also because of miscellaneous reasons…like….uhhh…just lowkey crying)
- made some dumplings for “lunch”….
- ….then I did absolutely nada for the rest of the day, the only notable thing was that I finished working on the sheet music; just gotta polish it up now
- (I forgot to post the update on my profile -_-)
- sadly no photos today, but I promise I’ll try to get one tomorrow!
- bye bye have a good life guys!
• Friday - 2/14/25
• Saturday - 2/15/25
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