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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

A webmaster's first impressions of Spacehey

I've started using this website a couple of days ago, and I figured I might as well express my first impressions in a blog entry.

A bit of an introduction: I'm a hardcore modern social media hater. I've recently ditched instagram entirely, and I open TikTok just to make the occasional video. The only established social media platform I actually enjoy using is Tumblr, which works exactly like it did 10 years ago (but without the porn LOL).
I'm also no stranger to the Old Web. In fact, I'm a bit of a nostalgic of the internet of the early 2000s. This lead me to making my own website, which I'm currently hosting on Neocities (feel free to check it out!!!!). And having been a webmaster for a while, I know my HTML and CSS.

So, when I first heard of this project around a week ago, I was determined to give it a try. And I'm both positively surprised and slightly disappointed.

Let's start with the good: this website nails the retro vibes offering features that many users, like me, feel like are missing from modern social medias. For once, the possibility to customize your profile through CSS. And having an in-website layout library is a great way for beginners to quickly get a pretty-looking page without feeling left out..

..But that's also kinda my issue. Hold up!!!!!!! I'm not one of those layout haters!!! I don't think using a layout is an unforgivable sin... but... babes!!! You gotta customize that layout!!!!
What's the point of using this site if you're just going to take one of the most used layouts and not change anything about it? At this point you could stick to tumblr! I know CSS is kind of a learning curve, and that it can be frustrating at first, but if you're not customizing anything you're missing out on what I'd consider the main reason to use this site!!

That's my biggest gripe with this site for now. And maybe I'm just not the target audience, and I'm used to Neocities where none of my moots are using layouts, and where using layouts is generally frowned upon. I knew going into this that most people were not going to have the same experience as me with HTML/CSS. And that's fine! I don't need stuff to be good (HELL, my site has a loooot of issues), I just need people to try!
If you're reading this and you page is just a layout with no bling added to it, plaese don't feel bad. 1) I'm just a guy on the internet and whatever I say has no effect on your life 2) You can always learn the basics !

Long story short: I like this site. They could do more to encourage people to give HTML/CSS a shot tho.

0 Kudos


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sim's profile picture

I feel like Tumblr is not what it used to be. nowadays I feel that the site isn't as customizable as it was during its peak- I recommend watching randy moons video "whatever happened go profile customization"

I do agree Tumblr is one of the better social media sites compared to what's out there right now, and it by far has more customization options than it's competitors. I'm just still not satisfied because I know what it could be ;-;

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OMG I've had that video in my "watch later" for a while actually! I'll definetly check it out!

But yeah unfortunately I agree with you T_T I still love tumblr bc of the community, but if you're looking for profile customization it's better to look elsewhere..

by Kie; ; Report

it's a great video, i love randy moon. let me know what you think of the vid!

by sim; ; Report