I'm a junior in high school, and at the beginning of my sophomore year, I moved to a smallish town and began going to a public high school.
The town isn't horrible or anything, it's actually really cute and I love the people here.
The kids are another issue though.
At the beginning of the year, I fell into a friend group (they invited me to eat with them), but I soon found out that it was a bad idea because our interests and ideals didn't click. Basically imagine a bunch of millenial-esque "booktok" girls who worship Taylor swift and look down on anything that isn't in the social norm. They would seem so sweet at first but as I got to know them, they began to be more and more toxic, especially one girl, who I later had a disagreement with.
I am a very outspoken person. I believe in what I believe, I say what I want to say. This isn't to say that I'm a jerk. I am nice and respectful to everyone. But if I am talking to my friends, I'm not going to stand by and let them assume I think something when I don't. At least this is the person I thought I was at the beginning of last school year.
It turns out that outspokenness has tired me out so bad, that I know just stand by and listen to what people have to say with no outspoken judgement (believe me, I have so much to say; I just don't have the energy to anymore.)
I am judgmental, yes. I am what you would call a "hater". But here's the thing. The things that I criticize about people are not because I believe them to be too "different" from my own. It's because I genuinely don't understand and view their personalities as harmful and stupid. (If I ever have anything to say about anyone's looks, I keep it to myself or only tell it to my closest friends who don't even life in the same town).
Let me give you an example of what I mean.
There is a very "popular" girl at my school who I'm sort of friends with (different than the one girl previously mentioned). I had a few classes with her and basically we became friends because I would help her with the work. This was something I was of course happy to do if people are struggling - I get it, school can be hard. No judgement. It's just what she says about herself to me. I could only describe her with 3 words - full of herself. And not in a way that inspires others, no, in a very selfish and mean way. She would always come into class telling me (and my other friend, who I do like) about the guy she slept with, how many parties she went to this weekend, how high she got, etc. I tried to be excited for her and encourage her but it just got to the point where I can't see it as anything else but boasting. She is the kind of girl who will wear the most revealing top and then complain about people staring at her. Yes, I agree that clothes don't excuse that kind of behavior, but come on! Why else would you dress like that?!
She would also constantly talk about how her and her boyfriend were toxic, how he would do horrible things to her and then immediately suffice it with "no, but it's okay, I love him". And whenever I would say "oh you should break up with him it sounds like he isn't good for you" she would ignore my advice and eventually stayed with him until he cheated on her.
Now in terms of dating; I briefly had a weird situation with one guy who I liked at some point, but then a bunch of miscommunication happened and he thought I still liked him, even though I didn't. (I liked him as a friend). And let me just tell you, when I finally cleared the air and said I didn't like him, he acted so horribly and snobbishly, telling me how he "wasted 5 months" talking to me, how I was an idiot, etc. It broke me. I finally understood other women when they said that men viewed them as nothing more than objects.
I also dated a really sweet girl for a few weeks, but things just didn't work out. It wasn't dramatic -- but I feel bad, I really want to be friends with her. But it's just so awkward.
My current friend group is a bunch of kids who are pretty cool - one of them I've literally known since kindergarten. But it feels like they all collectively do not like me. It sort of feels like I've forced myself into the friend group.
Is it such a bad thing to have friends who genuinely care and will give me the amount of attention that my old friends back home have given me? Is there genuinely something inherently wrong with me that people don't like? I don't understand. I'm 17, I'm almost done with high school. My best friend lives 2 hours away, and I'm more alone than ever.
Believe me, I am grateful to at least have a friend group and a best friend who loves me. But I can't help but feel so much hatred and anxiety when I'm around people at my school. Something about every one of them rubs me the wrong way. There's always something they do, something they say, that reminds me how selfish everyone in this town is.
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