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Category: Life

Hello! 😊 This will be my first blog entry and introduction.

Hello, this is my first blog entry and I would like to apologize for my absence. Actually, school has been really tough on me. A few moments ago, we had our final debate and I was picked as Government Whip. Not only that but I have exams next week (don't ask why they placed the debate RIGHT BEFORE quarterly examinations cause even I don't know.)

The good thing is... at least I FINISHED THE WHOLE ORDEAL!!!!

Now I can breathe... even for a moment 😊😊😊.

Since, I've apologized. The first thing you get to know me is that I don't tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, pedophilia, sexism, and all sorts of nasty mindsets (I have experienced all of those to a lighter degree in my household... so I don't need more of that πŸ˜…)

Also, I am the youngest among my family. I have a great dad and he's a hero! (He's a doctor)Β 

One of my biggest dreams is to be an attorney, a great one to be specific! Cause currently, corruption is the clearest issues within my country -I don't want to give away my location but the hint is there's a cop that killed someone and it was caught on cam. HOWEVER, the justice system is not resolving the case DESPITE it being caught on cam, the fact that the cop is off duty, and (the cherry on top of this rotten sundae) he pleaded not guilty.Β 

Hopefully when I get to that position, the world is a little bit better.

Another fact about me is that if I like something I work hard to get it. In my family, I have prodigy siblings and as someone who's not "academically" gifted or an "achiever" in the beginning of my education- I had to work high gear at all times. That's because I have condition which makes it difficult for me to read. So during the period of my elementary, I had to focus on becoming a good reader and that took YEARS to get there. However the benefits of getting that skill overweighs the cons.

In addition, I am very family oriented. Despite feeling compared to my siblings, I love them because my life won't be this interesting. I don't explicitly share my affection to them because our love language is teasing and annoying one another. However, I want them to know that I am proud of the decisions they've made. I can't share what they chose because it goes against their right to privacy.

Anyways, why did I pick this social media? I picked this app in hopes of expanding my knowledge in coding, learning the journeys of each individual, and hopefully grow as a person by doing so and write it as I go. I find it very interesting that the world out there is big and we usually focus on the bad stuff and sometimes people believe in those bad stuff as well!

Still... I hope that I gave information about me. Lastly, sorry if my thoughts are scattered πŸ˜…the debate, exams, and online tasks are taking a massive toll on me πŸ₯΄.

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