Hey, I’m new here! And I already got a Q: why is EVERYTHING so complicated today???????? In school, gotta behave, study like crazy, be all polite, discreet, wear super covered clothes, always look neat, ALL JUST SO NO ONE RECOGNIZES ME? And they keep saying, “The boys won’t like you like this! The boys don’t like that! Blah blah blah.” I JUST WANNA BE ME!
Why is EVERYTHING SO HARD for a teenager?
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No srs, like the studying is actually fuvking crazy like wym I have another test in a week I JUST TOOK ONE LAST WEEK? And the amount of fuvking projects and work their assigning is fuvking crazy like we don't have life outside of school? Teachers have the audacity to be like "we have lives outside of school" B1TCH ME TOO?? and the dress coding is ridiculous like in my old school a few yrs ago they litterally said "make sure your stomach isn't showing and also ur underwear isn't either that's mostly for the girls!" LIKE HUUH why do they turn a blind eye too boys literally having both cheeks out but the second a girl lifts up her arms slightly and there's a tiny bit of skin showing its going into ur file immediately???
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YEAH??? I wish I had more time for myself, but all I get is tests, assignments, and pressure like crazy. And don’t even get me started on the dress code, it’s literally A NIGHTMARE. Living in a tropical country (Brazil), WE NEED LIGHTER CLOTHES! But everyone just gets so annoying about it (。>﹏<。)
by bebella; ; Report