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Category: Life

04/2/25 so tired ughh

i just finished the competition and it was a tie… and after it ended i had to bike home in the sweatiest clothes every sufheidjehrbj anyways my insta acc is starting to gain traction and idk if i can post daily anymore but i still wanna post what do i dooo ackk mom recently changed my schedule so i have to do extra homework now woohoo… piano recital is coming up in 3 weeks and i didnt practice a lot so a bit stressed!!

my sleep schedule is getting worse.. i sleep at 12-1 am recently and my grades are going down since im sleeping in class.. not a good thing :( finally done with all the tests atleast!! woohoo

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my_melollie's profile picture

Your life is so interesting!
Same thing happens to me, my sleep schedule is SO BAD.
Hopefully my last test this month is tomorrow
Also I have to make a presentation about a painter.

The problem is that the teacher made the groups for the project and I have to work with two super-mean guys that don´t stop bothering me 24/7 at school.

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OH MY GOD i have trauma with group projects the last 2 ive done have always ended up mee doing most of the things. one of them was my duo being useless and we (i) made a diorama and he wrote like one sentence in it.. a few months after that i got paired up with this girl which was also not doing anything oh my god

by mivuiku; ; Report

Right that also happens to me, people does not work in work projects and I end up doing it, which is so unfair

by my_melollie; ; Report