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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

my personal horror movie rec of the day!!

AUDITION (02/07)

audition movie poster

Today's rec is Audition (1999) directed by Takashi Miike. I like this movie because it's a slow burn and you're always waiting for the pin to drop. I had been wanting to see this movie for a long time and when I finally watched it I was surprised by how much I liked it. This movie also kinda reminds me of American Mary but only because of the 2 amin character's outfits. If you like suspense and a bit of mystery I would definitely recommend this film to you. Also it's always good to see women in male dominated fields. Also a good beginner film to get into J-Horror.

where to watch: Tubiiiiii

My rating: 4/5

lmk if you've seen this film and ur opinions! 


descent poster

Today's rec is The descent (2005) directed by Neil Marshall. I really like this movie because this one actually scared me. I am soooo afraid of caves and this movie had me worried for its whole run time. Also I really like when in horror movies when there is some type of blood explosion or just comically large amounts of blood and this movie has a scene I like in it, no spoilers of course. I also like that for most of the movie it relies on real life horror, like being stuck in a cave. The twist at the end seemed kinda outta left field to me but I've grown to like it. You'll like this movie if you like the Blair witch project, as i feel there are some similarities.

Where to watch: Tubi!!! ( the best place for free horror)

My rating: 4/5 

lmk if you've seen it and ur review!

SAW 3 (02/05)

saw 3 poster

Today's rec is Saw 3 (2006) directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. I loveeeee this movie because I love Amanda Young's character and she really gets a spotlight in this movie. Arguably, I think Saw 3 is one of the best movies in the franchise including 1 and 6. I think a lot of people are put off by Saw movies because they think they are just gore, but every Saw movie has a reveal at the end that I think makes the movie pretty entertaining. Gore is obviously still involved but the movie was made in 2006 so it's nothing compared to a movie like Terrifier. Just like the previous entry, this is no award winner, but I think it's a fun movie. You can watch it by itself, without seeing the previous movies, but it might be confusing in some parts. I recommend trying the first Saw movie, seeing how you like it, then going from there. If you like jump cuts and the color green, this movie is for you!

where to watch: it's not on any streaming rn but you can rent it on amazon prime for $3.99 or as always DM me and I can send a copy.

my rating: 5/5! one of my top 4 favorite movies.

lmk if you've seen this movie and your thoughts!


the machine girl poster

my number one movie i would love everyone to watch is The Machine Girl (2008) directed by Noboru Iguchi. It's best to watch this one without knowing anything about it but if you like the craziness and unpredictability of some anime this would be perfect for you. I originally went into this movie with 0 expectations and was surprised by how much i loved it!! It's no Grammy winning film but sometimes it fun to just watch something that's so ridiculous it's fun. Best to watch it when you're bored out of your mind.

where to watch: free on tubi or as always message me and i can send you a copy.

my rating: 5/5 stars

lmk if you've seen this movie before and your thoughts! 

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seiji's profile picture

ı LOVE the saw series. i'm on the fifth one tho, still watching, i rated saw III 4/5 on letterboxd, really loved it too. i believe it felt a bit long while i was watching but you know when you get to the part where jigsaw is explaining everything, you just think "oh yeah, this was worth it"
have you seen the alternative ending on youtube? just a little bit different than the published one but it's also very devastating like the canon ending. god, all that work for these things to happen?...
and i know i'm very cliche for this but 1st movie is still my fav, i can't get over it!

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I actually prefer the alternate ending, it just fits better imo. I also really like the first one, my personal ranking goes saw 3, saw 1 then saw 6. I'm just biased towards Amanda so that's why i like the third one the most lol. Who's ur favorite character? Also I personally didn't really like 4 or 5 all that much but lmk what u think.

by ghost companion; ; Report


personalorange's profile picture

Looks good and interesting.

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if you watch it lmk your thoughts :)

by ghost companion; ; Report


personalorange's profile picture

Is the band machine girl inspired from this film?

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yes!! they got their name from the film!

by ghost companion; ; Report

interesting,thought so

by personalorange; ; Report


asher!?'s profile picture

and so is the band.....if u like those crazy ass japanese movies,machine girl is definitely for u/ref

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yasss love the movie, I've heard of the band bc of their song "Out by 16, Dead on the scene" which is based of another awesome movie, ginger snaps ( one of my favs) but i haven't really listened to them.

by ghost companion; ; Report

they are sooo good !!!! they did the ost to neon white, which is also a rlly good game i like >_<
their song ginger claps always reminds me of ginger snaps too lmao but that is also a rlly good movie :D
my favorite song by them is also probably out by 16, dead on the scene and athoth a go go :3

by asher!?; ; Report