Tom's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Hello Friends, Tom needs your help!

It is my personal goal to be friends with literally as many people as possible on this platform, as we all know Tom was all of our first friend on Myspace & I want to bring that back, with that being said I can currently only Add 1 person every 20 seconds on this platform. If you do the math that's only 3 people every minute, which is somewhat slow!

     In order to be friends with as many of you as possible I am asking that you please help me out by posting a blog or a bulletin (with a link or hyperlink to my profile) asking everyone to add me as a friend as this will greatly increase the speed & efficiency on my journey to befriend all of you. Please help to spread the word that the real Myspace Tom is back & he wants to be, quite literally, everyones friend! I am very much so looking forward to meeting & speaking with as many of you as possible.

                                                  Your Friend

10 Kudos


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Ms. LC Webs

Ms. LC Webs's profile picture

How do we know you're the real Tom? Don't go breakin my heart, man

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Richard's profile picture

Its a pleasure to be your friend.

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