If The Bullies Can’t Stand You…

You’re doing something right.

Weird child,

They’re going to call you a freak,

And when they do,

Write them a letter.

Tell them how being a freak is liberating.

Tell them that you mourn the parts of them 

They’ve killed for the sake of normality.

Queer child,

They’re going to call you a fag. 

When they do,

Teach them about Alan Turing.

Teach them about Freddie Mercury, Audre Lorde, Virginia Woolf, and Leonardo Da Vinci. 

Promise that you, too, will be great like all the fags who came before you.

Fat kid,

They’re going to call you ugly

And when they do,

Explain that there is too much power, love, and courage inside of you to be contained within a smaller body.

Bullied kid, 

I know the names, the exclusion, 

Cause your heartache to be more chronic than not,

But when you and those who harm you reach adulthood,

You will find they continue lives of monotony and nothingness they’ve created for themselves.

You, however, will move mountains they’ve never even thought to climb.

Today, you may feel tempted to change for them.

Please don’t.

From an adult that made it out alive-

If the bullies can’t stand you, you’re doing something right. 

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