I feel like a lot of people tend to forget that life isn't always about relationships. People can have a partner, yes, and I'm happy for them but sometimes it isn't really that serious (the want for a relationship). I've met a few guys who act like they can't live without a girlfriend and it's gotten to a point where I'm starting to feel less bad about them. They always complain about being sooooo lonely, not getting any... y'know, and not being attractive. Attraction is subjective, so I'm sure they'll find someone one day, but I'm really tired of hearing it. Especially when they're complaining to me about it. It happens A LOT. I'm not going to act like I'm that girl, someone who's really beautiful and cool and who everyone wants, but that's the thing. I'm not. They go for anyone they can get and that's the worst part. I show a bit of kindness to them once and suddenly they're in my DM's acting so sad and alone hoping I would offer to fill that hole in their heart. Some guy a few weeks ago was talking about hugging a pillow at night, having no one to hold and trying so hard to subtly say "feel bad for me". I obviously do but for the wrong reason. It's just pathetic. Not their feelings but the way they try to shove it in your face. I kind of stirred the conversation to a different topic and it went well for a few minutes but it went right back to the pity party. After that I just stopped talking to him. I guess you know what I mean by now and like I said this happens a lot. I'll give a brief example. Some guy I met in a mandatory afterschool tutoring class that I knew through a mutual friend, gave him my number, and would non stop text me to see what I was doing with no follow up response (if I answered). He tried to ask me out and I made an excuse, like I'm busy and such, and after a few more tries I straight up said I'm not interested leave me alone. He proceeded to hate me afterwards as if he's entitled to date me. That wasn't very brief, sorry, but yeah. I'll probably give another example if anyone wants it because this is pretty long as is. Thank you for listening. (;′⌒`)
Is it necessary?
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