I basically have an idea... How about we all gather and make a video game! Nothing too much and nothing too extra. Something simple with meaning, something that will be created and loved by many!
The genre and content can easily be discussed. Of course we might need:
• Illustrators
• Writers
• Programmers (or at least someone that knows how to construct a video game, it doesn't have to be professional)
• Graphic Designers (optional?)
• Artist in general
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
what kind of game did you have in mind? I'm by no means a developer but you sound passionate about your project
The genre can be discussed. It can be anything! From psychological thriller and action to adventure and fantasy
by Evangelia; ; Report
The genre can be discussed. It can be anything! From psychological thriller and action to adventure and fantasy
by Evangelia; ; Report
The genre can be discussed. It can be anything! From psychological thriller and action to adventure and fantasy
by Evangelia; ; Report
well then, opinion on devil may cry? lets focus at the combat of DMC5, does that seem fun?
by Dylan; ; Report
That would take too much time and most people here also have school and stuff. I was thinking of something more simple and easy to do, but still be pretty. Like, not too much animation and coding. Probably something in the style of Ace Attorney that has small idle animations and doesn't need actually voice lines.
by Evangelia; ; Report
That would take too much time and most people here also have school and stuff. I was thinking of something more simple and easy to do, but still be pretty. Like, not too much animation and coding. Probably something in the style of Ace Attorney that has small idle animations and doesn't need actually voice lines.
by Evangelia; ; Report
i think i can atleast write some music, im a guitarist so contact me if u want me to play anything for your game! :D
by Dylan; ; Report
That's actually so cool!! I'm sure you can be so much help. When we are enough people to start and discuss the genre, you will be able to make something. I'm so bad when it comes to music so I really appreciate that (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
by Evangelia; ; Report
what kind of game did you have in mind? I'm by no means a developer but you sound passionate about your project
what kind of game did you have in mind? I'm by no means a developer but you sound passionate about your project