🐾 trying to find petre resources and community is like trying to find lost media. 🐾 (a ramble about agere and petre)

pet regression (petre) and age regression (agere) are similar coping mechanisms, but why is pet regression so hard to find information on? every time i search up pet regression, all i get is age regression tips, tricks, and information. theres hardly ever anything on pet regression regardless of how hard i look. maybe one or two youtube videos (minus the ASMRS) or forums, maybe a blog about agere with a dash of petre on the side, but thats it.
its so hard to find community being only petre, or even research what it is if youre curious. the only "petre spaces" ive ever been recommended or seen that arent dead are pet play or agere spaces. dont get me wrong, im not coming for agere AT ALL, this is not me complaining about agere, rather the neglect of petre (for lack of a better description), and lumping it in as an "oh yeah that too" with agere. to me, it kind of feels like petre is standing behind a huge wall thats purely agere where no one can see it. you can ask AI, sure, but the questions ive asked to AI like Liner, ChatGPT, ect, have quickly gone from petre to agere in the span of maybe a few sentences to a paragraph.

theres close to nothing!
its especially harsh when youre new to petre, like me, or looking into it as a coping mechanism. where are you supposed to start when you can barely find anything?

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