super late to making this but hope you like it anyway
Name: Raven
Nicknames: Ravey, MSpaint, Digit
Age: 18,000
Pronouns: Any
Job: Artist and student
Hobbies: Drawing, Programming, Playing games, Reading psychology papers, Making music.
Game: Earthbound/Mother2
Show: Bones
Movie: Labyrinth(1986)
Album: Plantasia by Mort Garson
Song: Superwoman by Noel Pointer
Other: If you couldn't tell I'm a HUGE nerd and I love to talk about weird stuff that most people would find boring/morally tasty(thats something I made up to say a mix of idiosyncratic, transgressive, and useless to the average person). I know how fun it is to tell others about things you are passionate about so feel free to talk to me about...ANYTHING

About Me
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Mulch Lover
okaaay goat I see you
nice to see a fellow plantasia enjoyer :D
by MSpaintBunnie; ; Report