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Category: Life

I wish I could leave the US

just gonna rant real quick idk. Since November I've just been filled with this sense of dread. I kind of wish I had lived a little more unapologetically before the orange won. I currently work 2 jobs, no car, no health insurance. I'm a biracial queer person. I don't want to fight every day just to live. I know that I shouldn't have to live like this, because just about every other country has their shit figured out but the US. Everyday something new rolls out that takes another one of my rights away. I'm so exhausted. I hate it here and I can't leave. 

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taylorXD's profile picture

I'm sorry you're going through this, I'm from Brazil and know that you have all our support! I hope things get resolved and you no longer have to go through these frustrations, I know how difficult it is -

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Thank you. It's nice to know that people are fighting for us outside of the states. It just astounds me that it has even come to this point.

by Bambi; ; Report