Hello !! My name is Cammy, and I wanted to prepare you a cute little GIF to add to your profile ! Any other suggestions on profile customization would be appreciated in the comments ⠀. To preview this exact code, look on my profile ! The GIF will be on the lower right : )
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<div style="float: ; max-height: 350px; position: fixed; right: 100px; bottom: 20px; z-index: 150;"><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/UBeWHcA4F7z6E" width="200" height="280" style="" frameborder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen=""></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/stickers/cat-happy-UBeWHcA4F7z6E"></a></p></div>
But how does one customize this code? I'll teach you!
Your max-height section will be how high the GIF will be how high or low on the page it will be. The higher the number, the higher on the page it will appear. For reference, 300-350 will be around the bottom of the page. 400 is the middle, and anything higher will appear at the top.
Your fixed; right px is how left or right the GIF will appear. A higher number, the more left it will move. I have mine set to 100, which is just at the border the the "main" section of your profile. Any higher number then this will begin to regress the GIF into your "main" section.
Your bottom px is essentially a second max-height. The higher the number, the higher the GIF will seem on your page.
The width and height, of course change the width and height. The smaller the numbers, the smaller the GIF will appear. For reference, I would personally not make my gif over 400/480px in size, unless you'd want it to fit the entire side.
Conclusions are not definite, it is important to play around with the settings yourself.
The coding can also be used with other GIFS as well! simply replace the iframe src link with another embed GIF link. You can find these on GIPHY, as well as any other GIF website that has an embed option. If you need help, leave a comment and I can try and be support! 𓂃۶ৎ
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