Since I was very little, I have wondered if my parents are skeletons.
I had visions of them sitting on the couch, relaxing in the living room once I went to bed. Their skin was taken off because hey couldn't relax with skin wrapped around them, they had to be in skeleton form.
It's possible that everyone in the world is secretly a skeleton, they just hide it from me and other people who can't take their skin off.
Do they hide it from you too? Let me know if you are like me.
Any skeletons who want to tell us the truth are safe here.
If you want to find out if your parents are skeletons: ask them.
It's possible they will be so shocked you know, that they will want to tell you so they can relate to you more. Keeping secrets is hard, especially from your child.
This is a serious post, and it's something that has been a part of my worldview ever since I had that vision. Please no hurtful comments, you will have the vision too.
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