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Category: SpaceHey

No SpaceHey Mobile App, Please

The proven key to successful nostalgia on the internet.

I can feel the warmth on my face and the wind in my shoulder length hair as I pull up to my friend Adam's house.

It's a sunny day in August, 2005, here in South Florida.

And I needed to get to his computer.

I walk in and he's playing Halo 2 with Zack and Mike. Zack is winning.

"Hey, can I check my MySpace?"

"Yeah go for it."

I sit down at the family computer in the kitchen and log out of his account, noting he had 2 new messages. I'll let him know when I'm done.

Right now, I gotta hit up this fly honey.

Just before I had left my house to come here, the cute new girl at school had added me.

I needed to get her number so I could talk to her when I'm not at the computer.

We're here for the nostalgia, right?

Back then, the most common phrase said or heard:

"Can I check my MySpace?"

We didn't have smartphones.

We had MySpace and AIM and we had to talk to our friends on the family computer.

In the living room, where anyone could walk by and look over our shoulder at any time.

Checking Facebook is a compulsion. Checking MySpace was a thrill.

Now that we have apps on our phones that send us notifications for every little thing, the internet isn't exciting anymore.

It used to be fun to come home and sit down at the computer because we had been away from it for hours.

We've got comments and instant messages to check.

This kind of stuff has become dull as it barrages us day in and day out.

Constant notifications has killed the fun of the internet.

Please, don't make a mobile app for SpaceHey.

To stay true to the nostalgia, we need to make sure we avoid modern inconveniences like apps and notifications.

I don't want to "take away" anyone's freedoms here.

Probably the most obvious response I will get to this is, "if you don't like apps don't use them."

That's not wrong. I get it.

But surface level nostalgia fades fast.

SpaceHey will be nothing in a few months if the nostalgia doesn't feel real.

Do you want the nostalgia to last?

We need to treat SpaceHey the same way we treated MySpace.

If worst comes to worst, the website is mobile friendly.

You can check your SpaceHey on the go.

This also applies if you're one of the many people these days who don't have a computer and only use their phone or tablet.

You don't need an app, and you will find you enjoy SpaceHey (and the internet) even more when you have something to look forward to when you get home.

P.S. If you agree, you can help spread the word by sharing this post, and your thoughts, in a bulletin. Copy this link:

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The Pyrrhic Llama

The Pyrrhic Llama's profile picture

I didn't even know how strongly I agreed with this until I read it. Remember when every app was just a link to the mobile website and it was terrible and didn't work well? I miss that for some reason.

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Glad you agree.

I mostly just miss being excited to use the internet.

It feels boring now that I know what's going on 24/7.

by Garrett’); DROP TABLE; ; Report

> I mostly just miss being excited to use the internet.
> It feels boring now that I know what's going on 24/7.

100.000% agree!

People don’t know anymore when to turn off and be away.

People think youre dead. Then coming back they’re glad you’re alive. WT F :D

Related is this blog post that got my attention and has been growing in my mind:

Feb 19, 2021
"Living Like It's 99: No Social Media, No Smartphone"

by; ; Report

Thanks for sharing that post,! I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one who recognizes smartphones are the problem, not social media.

by Garrett’); DROP TABLE; ; Report