What are people's reasons for choosing how they play music (e.g. using streaming services, buying CDs, or buying vinyl)?
For me I prefer to buy CDs since they're relatively easy to store, they can be played at home and in the car, and they generally aren't too expensive. That being said I also use streaming services because I also want to listen to songs that I don't have on CD.
I've never bought vinyl due to the price mainly, and also from what I've seen online it can get complicated if you want to preserve the quality of it in the long run.
So really what I'm saying is how do you prefer to listen to music and why? :)
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Using streaming services because of convenience
but id like to collect more cds in the future cuz having physical media is great
and it would be great to stay away from screens more
so once i have more funds, buying mooreeee cds, no matter if blank ones to burn music or actual albums from artists
when i can, i opt for downloading mp3s locally on my phone . ive got plenty o storage so itz just more convenient than physical media, and nicer than streaming cauze no adz and no requirement 2 b online :3
ooh cool i didn't even consider that as an option!
by ren; ; Report
ooh cool i didn't even consider that as an option!
by ren; ; Report