Out of all the Anne Rice books I have read so far, this is my favorite. The story is told by many different POVs with them all coming together. Although I have seen some complain that they got lost or confused with the book switching perspectives so much, I thought that it was a beautiful was to introduce the reader to so many characters that become important in later stories.
For me, the most beautiful part has to be the story of the twins. There was such tragedy there and showed a side of the Queen that I honestly was not expecting. She is cruel and evil, in a way that I struggle to make up for in my head. Unlike other villains in stories that always have some backstory that makes you feel for them, I felt nothing but hate for her. What she did to the twins was something of real evil that I think is hard to find in villains sometimes. I would also say the tragedy of the twins, who for centuries were isolated from one another, with no way of finding one another was beautifully written and it tore my heart out reading it.
I know that Anne Rice gets a lot of hate for her writing, and I agree on some parts of the critques, I honestlythink that this book is so well written and I am glad to have read it.
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