Anyway, here are the next couple of pages of the Comic. I finished chapter 1, which is already uploaded on the Neocities site, but I don't want to post everything all at once on Spacehey.

So these are pages 8 through 14. Think they turned out pretty well. Now that chapter 1 is finished (probably the shortest one if what I've got planned is going to work out), it could take a while to get to chapter 2. I've already storyboarded some new pages, but I'm starting my new job next week. It'll probably be slower since I'd mostly draw on weekends then. But on the plus side, I get most creative when there is work to neglect in favor of creating something to post on the internet lol.
Here's the link to the website again:
And then here's the link to the first blog entry. Think it should be nice to have them link together:
Anyway, any feedback and thoughts on this stuff is welcome =) and uh idk feel free to subscribe to my blog on here if you want to follow along.
Displaying 8 of 8 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Lovely art style
omg this is so fire. i love the aesthetiv pls dont ever stop
This is freaking cool af
this is so awesome like srsly i love it so much oh my flying firey
thsi is rlly neat! im a big fan of the use of sharp lines and shading styles!
Who do I need to sacrifice to make comics like you do??
just any and all free time ofc
by SHEEPSTER; ; Report
awesome!!! i love your art style, like couch and the shirt having that comic dot texture, and the hands looking kind of bigger and spiky.i like the tension that is kept here, and i wanna read more
thank you! ^^
by SHEEPSTER; ; Report