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Category: Music

Please listen to Good Game!!!!!!

There's this sick asl mathrock band I discovered called Good Game, they are amazing (tho i admit their production is a bit lacking but that's the end of the negative things I'd say about them)

They do math rock songs with super insane crazy and expressive riffs, oh and di i mention that the lead singer is trans? THE LEAD SINGER IS TRANS which is so cool to me as a math rock nerd, I'm so happy I found them, here are some of my faves

Steal Her Look - I wanna EAT THIS SONG it's so comforting and heartaching this captures my experience so well, and it's so sugary and sweet

Cheating the NASA Space Physical (here's them playing the main riff) - this was from an older album, I think it was be4 the lead singer and instrumentalist Blair Benzel came out i think? It's a little unsure considering how obscure they are, but the riff is so good here

Level Up - This song is just pure fun, it's like the ending credits to an awesome anime

my fave thing about this band is the way they play with the structure, no song is ever so simple with them, I love how comfy they are despite the technical intensity

Here's the bandcamp of them

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