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Category: Blogging

Why is it so hard to sleep?


This is my very first blog entry, if you have any tips, let me know!

So, I've been having trouble to sleep for a couple of years already, and I swear it's making me go crazy. 

When It's the middle of the day, I usually feel tired (sometimes even when I haven't done any physical activites), so I do my best NOT to sleep during the day and keep myself tired until the night arrives, and (try to) use the tiredness to my advantage to get at least 8h of sleep. Problem is: When it's finally nighttime, I'M SUDDENLY NOT TIRED ANYMORE


I get energy out of thin air, like if a mechanism in my body was programmed to work during the night AND ONLY DURING THE NIGHT! 

A couple of months ago I got into the conclusion that it's the results of my old bad habit of sleeping at 3am, 4am, usually even 7am or higher. Seems like a reasonable conclusion, right? Then I decided to force my own body into making the good new habit of sleeping "early" (11pm or 10pm) and waking up early (7am - 8am)

But guess what?

Not only I had massive trouble to sleep early (which was expected) but also I kept waking up in the middle of the night not being able to get back to SLEEP.

Since I couldn't get back to sleep, I tried waiting and waiting and patiently waiting trying to evade using my phone. Nothing happened. I give up and grab my phone to look up tips and recommendations for getting a good sleep... none of them seem to work. Heck, I even asked friends for help and thankfully a friend of mine told me about how the military sleep (basically just inhaling and exhaling for 2mins to relax ur body) and it worked!... Until suddenly a random day it stopped working. And I had to endure that for a couple of months.

I'll be honest, I gave up. I got back into sleeping crazy late (or early in the morning) for like a month and a half... But I'm ready to try again. Soon I'll start working and I NEED to get full control of my life and be able of giving my absolute best. Right now, my plans are: Sleeping at 11pm and waking up at 7am. 8 Hours of sleep!! And I'll get to have so much time during the morning for my hobbies! :D

Just like I did last time.

Let's just hope that this time, things will go differently, and I'll get to feel well rested during the day.

Anyways, if after two months I still have this eecky weecky problem, I'll definitely tell my doctor ASAP.

In the meantime, I'd genuinely appreciate any type of tips or things you guys like to do before sleeping, I'm more than willing to hear y'all out and try as many things that I can to sleep better! 

Thank you for reading :D

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