Survey for posterity

I posted this as a bulliten but since those go away I'm reposting here...

Sure, why not since we're living all the nostalgia!

like blue cheese? Yes

Have you ever smoked a cigarette? When I was about 12 I tried it for a bit.  

Do you own a gun? Not yet. Hoping to get a shotgun for my 50th bday

What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? I don't have a Sonic near me

Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? It depends on what I am there for

Do you like hot-dogs? Turkey dogs 

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee

Can you do push-ups?  one, maybe two - more if I do the 'girl' version 😂

What’s your favorite meal? My husband makes some kick ass gumbo!

What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Currently a wooden bead bracelet that my late friend Sara made. 

Favorite hobby? A little of this, a little of that...

Do you work with people who idolize you? Uh, no. 

Name a trait that you hate about yourself? I don't hate anything about myself but I could be less distractable. 

Middle name? Not tellin'

Name 3 thoughts at this moment: I should get off of here and do my morning reading or writing. I hope the two-hour delay turns into a full snow day. My ovary hurts (you asked!). 

Name 3 things you bought yesterday: Diet Dr. Pepper - that's it. 

Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: Coffee, Wine, Brisk Peach Tea, and Diet Dr. Pepper

Current worry right now? If I quit Facebook will I lose connection with some of those friends? 

Current hate right now? The political climate. 

Favorite place to be? My house 

How did you bring in New Years? At home with my handsome man

Favorite place to go? A nice coffee house with a couple of friends. Looking forward to that again after COVID is behind us. 

What is your most recurring dream? Being back in high school and forgetting that I was supoosed to have been attending some class that I haven't gone to all semester.  

Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted Introvert (it's complicated).

What color shirt are you wearing? Kind of an olive-green-ish hoodie

Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No. 

Can you whistle? Yes

Favorite color? Purple and Teal

Would you be a pirate? No - but I'd chill with Johnny Depp!

What songs do you sing in the shower? I sing, but not in the shower.

Favorite girl’s name? Magdalena 

Favorite boy’s name? Can't think of one that stands out 

Who is your loudest friend? We're all loud

What’s in your pocket right now? no back pockets at the moment

Last thing that made you laugh? Probably a George Hahn video 

Bed sheets as a child? I had them, yes. "Emoticon_smile" Icon 

Worst injury you’ve ever had? I punched a wall in college and broke my knuckle - they called it a boxers fracture. I felt like a bad ass. But I never punched a wall again! hahaha! 

Do you love where you live? Yes

How many TVs are in your house? Two

What is your worst habit? Overthinking 

How many dogs do you have? One

Does someone have a crush on you? I would highly doubt it.  

Do you own slippers? Yes 

What is your favorite book?  I like lots of books  

What is your favorite candy? Reese’s 

What is your favorite sports team? I used to root for the Bengals and Reds but I've become bitter and disillusioned. I guess I'll still say the Reds, though. 

What song do you want played at your funeral? Definitely some 80s rock and pop. I will trust my friends and family to pick the ones that best suit me. 

What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping 

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? Please, let us at least have a 2 hour delay (Thank you, little baby Jesus!).

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