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Category: Friends


Im 14,a girl and bi and i have a bf and my music taste is

  1. Mcr 
  2. P!atd
  3. Hole
  4. Fob
  5. Blink 182
  6. Simple plan
  7. Road to bremen 
  8. Wise disguise 
  9. Nirvana 
  10. Ptv
  11. A little evanescence 
  12. A little msi
  13. A little all time low
  14. A little avril lavigne 
  15. A little decendents
  16. The misfits
  17. Some lake rana
  18. a bit of sws
I like many more but don’t wanna make this to long so heres my non music taste interests 

  1. Jennifer’s body 
  2. Juno
  3. Scott pilgrim (movie,show and books i like the game to but im bad at it lol)
  4. Corpse bride 
  5. The nightmare before christmas 
  6. Roller skating 
  7. Skelanimals
  8. Sanrio (i’ve liked sanrio since i was 3)
  9. Cd collecting
  10. Movie watching
  11. Modern family 
  12. Dinner in america 
  13. The first 3 diary of a whimpy kid movies
  14. Dvd collecting
  15. Gerard way (his musical work)
  16. Fashion/like makeup and stuff
I get better as you get to know me i like calling and texting i’m bad with voice messages srry :(



Discord:Hottopicb!tch (my spacehey is sensitive to swearing so imagine a i in the place of the !)


I’ll be friends with anyone personal connection is more important to me then common interests :)

0 Kudos


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