I know I'm just feeding wood into the fire about this, but I've started to see it a lot more the further I look and it just makes me sad.
Too many people are spending their energy to just complain about the state of SpaceHey instead of trying to better it themselves. A lot of posts of "SpaceHey is dead!" or "Forums are dead!" or "Blogs are dead!" Is not helping anything. I'm aware this post isn't either, and I apologize. I hope that other people are sharing these thoughts that I do.
Actually making SpaceHey a welcoming space, going out to talk with people, making forum and blog posts about what YOU enjoy, will in turn make it enjoyable for everyone else. Doing this self-destruction cycle of complaining about the state of the site will doom it into an even worse state. Making people upset all the time will leave who is left to get even more jaded. A SpaceHey eating its own SpaceHey, or something.
If the annoyances people held were about how site was ran, or the moderation, or actions just out of the hands of normal users, then I would 100% understand the outcry. All what's happening though is not that. All the moaning is coming from people that, if you allow me to put on my tinfoil hat and turn up the "reading-too-much-into-it" dial, are just sad that they personally aren't getting any attention on this site nor can they get it anywhere else. I attempt go out of my way to not interact with people that constantly complain like this. All other websites have this toxic mentality. We do not need it here.
If you're someone like this, just fucking, like, spend your energy being outgoing and welcoming instead of sheltered and bitter, please. You'll make more friends this way, plus you'll make the new users stick around for longer.
Be the change that you want to see.
and do as i say, not as I do. I'm aware that a lot of what I say can be seen as hypocritical. This is a one off post about this and I will do my best to not bring in any more negativity unless necessary.
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