So I'm pretty new, but from what I've learned about this website is that you need a code to be able to set your layout, I found mine in the layouts section which has a bunch! All you have to do is copy the code onto the about me section on your profile. The other little gifs and tags can also be pasted onto the same section, depending on where you want it you could also paste it anywhere on your account, hope this helps!
heeyy!! go on layouts and see if theres something that you like1!! you can costumize the style if you want but thats a lil bit harder, pretty sure youre gonna learn if you dont know tho!!
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So I'm pretty new, but from what I've learned about this website is that you need a code to be able to set your layout, I found mine in the layouts section which has a bunch! All you have to do is copy the code onto the about me section on your profile. The other little gifs and tags can also be pasted onto the same section, depending on where you want it you could also paste it anywhere on your account, hope this helps!
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thank you so much !! <3
by franus_z; ; Report
ella, b
heeyy!! go on layouts and see if theres something that you like1!! you can costumize the style if you want but thats a lil bit harder, pretty sure youre gonna learn if you dont know tho!!
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thank you very much <3
by franus_z; ; Report