Big all about me quiz
Full Name?: edward m
Age?: 16
Birthday?: 12/30
Zodiac Sign?: capricorn
Religion?: none
Hometown?: not saying
Current Location?: usa
Current School?: online
Brothers and Sisters?: 1 sister
Pets?: 2 dogs 4 cats
Describe Yourself in 3 Words..: short autistic freak
How Old do you act?: ??
Do You...
Go to Church?: against my will
Care what people think of you?: yes
Have any Regrets?: yes
Have a Dark Secret?: no
Believe in Fate?: kinda?
Have a Crush on Someone?: no
Who is...
Your Hero?: paul dano
Your Most Hated Person in the world?: ace g.....
Your Bets friend?: loagan
The last person you yelled at?: idk
The celeb everyone compares you to?: no one
Your Loudest Friend?: maggie
Your Shyest Friend?: loagan
Your Funniest Friend?: me :3
Your Most Annoying Friend?: i dont have one
Your Laziest Friend?: idk
In Your Top 5?: what
Have You Done Today?: laundry
Is the wether Like Outside?: its night so its just. nothing.
Time did you go to bed last night?: 12
Time did you get up today?: 10
Time is it right now?: 10:37pm
Are your first thoughts waking up?: idk
Do you smell of right now?: smoke from smth i bought
Are your favourite things to do?: art and gaming
Is your biggest weakness?: idk
Is your biggest fear?: being alone
Mood are you in?: kinda on autopilot
Will you do after this?: sit around
When's the last time...
You played thruth or dare?: no idea
What's the worst you had to do?: forgot
You Played Spin the bottle?: three years ago
With Who?: some dude who cheated on me the week after
You went on holiday? Where to?: last year, georgia
You ate a piece of fruit?: yesterday
You drank alcohol?: never
And the Last...
Thing you ate?: chocolate
Thing you said?: idk
Person you spoke to?: cj
Stranger you met? Where?: no idea
Place you went?: my friends house
Thing you bought?: gas station food
Person you talked to on the phone?: my bf
Person you hugged?: my dad
Person you kissed?: rodger my bf
Time you had sex?: never
Game you played?: splatoon 3
Person who annoyed you?: myself
Party you went to?: never been
Song you listened to?: a boy is a gun*
TV show you watched?: south park
Movie you watched?: ringu
Sport you played?: dont do sports
Magazine you read?: dont read those
Relationship you were in?: still dating
Have you ever...
Danced barefoot in the rain?: yes
Cried for no reason?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes
Done drugs? If so, What?: no
Smoked?: no
Drunk so much you passed out?: no
Sat on your rooftop?: no
Cried over a movie?: yes
Been in an auto accident?: yes
Been to hospital?: yes
Met a Celebrity?: no
Kissed someone of the same sex?: yes <3
Ran away from home?: no
Lied to Someone?: yes
Been Lied to?: yes
Broke a bone?: no
Cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Hve you ever Been in love?: yes
Have you ever had your heart broken?: yes
Ever broken a heart?: yes
Have you ever been cheated on?: yes
Have you ever had a threesome?: no
Are you dating someone?: yes
Do you love them?: yes
Whats your longest ever relationship?: current one, almost two years
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
Do you like to cuddle after?: yes 😭
Trimmed, shaved or wild?: trimmed rn but usually wild
A little or a lot of tongue?: none ew
Does sex = love to you?: no
In the opposite sex...
Hair color?: black/brown, fake blonde or dyed
Height?: taller than me
Weight?: dont care
Biggest turn off?: being too gloomy
Biggest turn on?: my bf
Short or long hair?: medium
Older or younger?: same age
What is your favourite...
Movie?: spaceman
TV Show?: south park
Color?: yellow
Food?: burrito and burger
Ice cream?: plain vanilla
Alcaholic drink?: none
Non-alcoholic drink?: lemonade
Song?: ifhy - tyler the creator
Fast food joint?: chipotle
Animal?: cats and dogs
Sport?: none
Sports team?: none
Place to be?: home
Place to visit?: blue ridge
Place to chill out?: my room
Actor?: paul dano
Actress?: zoe kazan
Restaurant?: korea house
Quote?: my name is ebony darkness dementia raven way
Subject?: history / languages
Season of the year?: fall
This or That?
Showers or baths?: shower
Kiss or hug?: kiss
McDonalds or Burger King?: neither
Day or Night?: night
Too cold or too hot?: cold
Friends or Family?: friends
Personality or Looks?: personality
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