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Category: Life

I'm having another Cold Day :(

For those who don't know, for a few years now, four or five? I've had these cold spells. They're no joke. I get goosebumps up and down my whole body, I'm freezing all over, and sometimes I get waves of more brutal, intense cold (if possible) that can last for two to thirty minutes. It started with just the waves of cold, once or twice a month, and over the years has turned into this. Up to five or six days in a row where I cannot stay warm.

For instance, today I did fifteen minutes on my glider. When I started I was bundled up, as I continued I got warmer all right. Down to shirtsleeves and no scarf around my neck (like now). But within a half hour I was freezing again. A hot shower is great, but when the hot water gets turned off it's worse, the wet skin feels even more like ice.

I've talked to my GP and my pshrink about it and no one has any ideas. That was a big reason I gave up weed for a while, to see if that was contributing. Turned out I still got the chills anyway.

This is the fourth day in a row for feeling like this, hopefully one or two more days and I can feel normal again. I look at the thermostat on the wall, yup, still 72 in here, just feels like 35 with no clothes. Yay.

Anyway. Anybody out there hear of anything like this, or know someone or anything that could be considered a clue to this little mystery, gimme a shout. Gotta get my gloves back on, so this is it. Later.  :/

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Sardonic The Hedgehog

Sardonic The Hedgehog's profile picture

It's colder in this house on cloudy days or when the curtains are shut. Even though the thermometer says it's above 60, it feels bone-chilllingly cold. How's the sunshine in your neck of the woods?

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absent today I'm afraid. mostly cloudy today :P
at least it's warming up. supposed to be almost forty on Thursday. :)

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

Another placebo I have found is fire. Candles work, an old oil lantern works better, a fire on the hearth works best.

by Sardonic The Hedgehog; ; Report

I have an electric fireplace I can use. It's not the surrounding air though, it's me. my perception is all outta whack :(

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

None of the above will really help with the air. They just make me feel a little warmer when the day is dark.

by Sardonic The Hedgehog; ; Report