My podcasts. Which ones do you listen to?

I'm gonna list all the podcasts I listen to and say a little what they're about, even the ones I haven't listened to in blue moon. I Encourage you to do the same, we all can find cool stuff to listen to. In no particular order:

Deep fat fried: 3 stoner edgelord atheists discuss everything under the sun giving topics deep dives.Much of the time they get into some hefty arguments which is fun to watch.

Astronomy Cast: The publisher of Universe Today which is an online space and astronomy blog teams up with a qualified Astrophysicist Pamela Gay and discuss Astronomy,physics,cosmology,quantum mechanics and all related fields including the possibility for alien life. 

Cognitive dissonance: 2 Atheists that are also both skeptics and pretty much middle of the road liberal cover whatever pisses them off or is laughable when it comes to religious and superstitious and conservative incredulity. These guys really laugh it up and they have some hilarious crude humor so if you need a laugh I would listen to them because their cackling is quite contagious. 

Big Picture Science: Seth Shostak which is an astronomer at the S.e.t.i. institute talks with guests and his co host about everything related to the search for alien life in the cosmos, often discussing the motives behind possible aliens including the myriads of ways alien evolution,psychological,sociological,political and religious would drive whether or not they are looking for us or are colonizing the universe like we wish to.

Beyond Left: 2 communists discus leftist theory, socialism, and communism throughout history and the political climate today. Often times very harsh and unbiased against performative "progressive's" and neo-liberals and the same propaganda they push along with the conservatives and the Bourgeoisie.

Event horizon: John Michael Godier is a futurist and a published Sci-fi author. He often discusses mysteries in cosmology and quantum physics, also talking about the Fermi paradox a lot. He also talks a lot about new discoveries in exoplanets. 

The Secular Buddhist: This guy talks a lot about the core teachings and practices of the Buddha and early Buddhism in respect to it's usefulness to non-religious non-supernatural believing people. Mindfulness and the early plumbing of critical thinking is talked a lot, so is zen meditation. 

The Thinking Atheist: A previous conservative religious believer talks about his road to recovery from religion and conservativism and his new book talks a lot about how fox news brainwashed washed him with factless propaganda. 

Welp that's pretty much all the podcasts I've listened to over the past few years. I hope you might have found one or two of them intriguing and worth a listen to and that you'll drop down below which ones you listen to and any you recommend. 

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