2nd Blog: What book changed your life? or at least made you think about it.

I've been thinking about what should I read next.

 There's so many books, so many information, but so little of time available. So, I ask to the ones who are reading this, What book changed your life? 

For me, it was Sophie's world: It is an introduction to topics related to philosophy. It's really easy to read and understand. That book made me think about life, love, beauty, and other topics. So, I'm looking for something alike. If you respond to my question, I have another one for you: Why and how did the book changed your life? I'm looking forward to reading the comments.


Thanks for those who read.

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Personally, House of Leaves left a p big impact on me . Speaking vaguely 2 avoid spoilerz in case u haven't already read it/been told tha plot, but it made me think a lot about what tha self iz and tha superiority complex of academia <(though only a little on that last 1 . It juzt feelz like every analysis within tha book is trying 2 grasp tha unattainable) . Mostly I've been wondering whether tha self can truly exist on itz own, or if we all become nothing in true solitude .

Not sure if this waz tha kinda thing u were expecting, but HoL definitely changed me in some wayz !!

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Hi, thx for your comment. Haven't read it, yes, although it got me real interest that thought about the self, and if there's nothing or no one there to give us a recognition of identity, we become nothing. I'll have a look at that book, thx again for your comment, God haha.

by I.M.Edward.K.; ; Report