"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die."
It seems to be mind-blowing that God would do this, but God knowing and willingly giving man free will must've believed man would want to choose Him and turn back to Him again if they felt regret for their sins if they had that opportunity and would only be able to do that by what He had to do for His creation, man that He planned ahead of time before the free will to choose sin.
In this we learn about our Creator God's mercy even with our sin that He didn't have to forgive in all the grace He showed us and before we're saved we were weak because we were ungodly sinners that sin rebelled against our God transgressing His law but its the showing of the greatness of the ultimate love Jesus demonstrated by His cross death sacrifice for us as there is also the comparison of Adam bringing sin into the world that caused death into the world in comparison to Jesus bringing back restoration to man of original Godly creations we were reversing our damning judgment for sin and its curse we could've had forever as sinners by His sacrifice and how we will benefit from that being declared as righteous by God to eternal life as a gift.
Christ dying on the cross was to satisfy the demanded payment of God for sin permanently because God is holy and just and Jesus cleansed us so we're in a peaceful relationship with God again, standing in His grace if you come to believe in what He did by faith being born again saved, and to hope in His glory that will not disappoint us.
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