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10 albums to start listening to Metal (personal selection).

Metal music might sound really harsh and hard to listen for non-metalheads, so... i decided to share with y'all my personal selection of 10 records to get in this genre... some are a little bit heavier than others, but all are a good starting point.
I put a few more "underground" picks aswell so people can also start diving into the "unknown".

But let's not waste more time, here the list:

#1 MEGADETH - Rust in Peace:

This record is still among the best Thrash Metal albums ever made, i say that even tho i'm in this kind of music since like... forever.

The songs are fast paced but also melodically excellent, it's full of tempo changes and solos, might sound a little bit too heavy at first, but in a couple of listens you'll be amazed by the technical abilities of this great band.

#2 IRON MAIDEN - Seventh Son of A Seventh Son:

This one is softer record, being classic Heavy Metal with a little bit of a Progressive Metal twist.

Iron Maiden are really good at creating melodies and atmosphere.

Bruce Dickinson's clean and high vocals are legendary and in this record they gave their best, it's their most remarkable record in my opinion.

#3 PENTAGRAM - Day of Reckoning:

This is an underground record, with not so many fans out there, but it's the PERFECT way to approach Doom Metal.

Again, great vocals, great melodies and crushing riffs all over the place, It sounds exactly like the beatuiful album art.

Surely not for everyone, since besides Black Sabbath, classic Doom Metal is pretty underground but i'll recommend everyone to give this one a chance.

Broken Vows has great lyrics aswell and It's so damn catchy!

#4 METALLICA - Master of Puppets

One of the most famous and celebrated albums of all Metal music, it's a classic and by far the most recognizable record in this list.

Master of Puppets, however, has a lot to offer in terms of melodies, rhythm, riffs and song structures.

What can i say, if you never listened this record... do It!

#5 DEATH - Spiritual Healing:

Alright, this is a little bit more... extreme than the previous, but hear me: It's a perfect introduction to Death Metal.

It has all the crushing stuff of the Old School Death Metal scene (deep growled vocals, fast riffs, uncommon song structures) while also introducing a lot of more melodic elements you'll find in late Death-albums and also in the more mid 90s kind of Death Metal.

Might not be the easiest album to digest for those who aren't familiar with this music, but it certainly a great showcase of how Death Metal can be shaped in both pure violence and refined music... at the same time!

#6 CANDLEMASS - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus:

Another Doom Metal record, but this one is the birth of the "Epic Doom Metal" genre, which is basically Dark Fantasy if it was music.

Might be more accesible than Pentagram due to the clean awesome vocals by Johan Langqvist and the awesome guitar tone.

Melodies are really STRONG in this one, you'll find yourself crying while singing their lyrics.

A timeless classic.

#7 DARKTHRONE - Panzerfaust:

This is a Black Metal record, expect a raw and violent sound, harsh screamed vocals and tons of atmosphere.

Give this music a try, even if it's hard to listen, it's really sorrowful and felt.

Even if other Darkthrone records are more "recognized", Pnazerfaust is the perfect showcase of their sound: you have the lo-fi Black Metal sound filled with influences from the band "Celtic Frost".

Again, not an easy listen for beginners, but if you want to explore Black Metal, Darkthrone are the perfect entry point.

#8 SLAYER - Reign In Blood:

Fast, brutal, crushing, violent.

This record is under 30 minutes, but it's a true riff-fest.

Slayer did a unique record here, this album is simply a perfect introduction to Thrash heavier side while also make yourself comfortable with the insane velocity some metal bands can reach.

Perfect record from start to finish.

#9 ATHEIST - Unquestionable Presence:

What if Death Metal meets Jazz Fusion?

You'll have Atheist, an underground but great Technical/Progressive Death Metal band which might caught your attention even if you're not in this kind of Metal.

A short record, filled with tempo changes and insane songwriting, everything is superb.

Vocals are harsh but more melodic than your average Death Metal band.

Give them a chance, i decided to put them even if they're more underground because i think they'll represent perfectly the more experimental and Progressive side of Metal.

#10 ELECTRIC WIZARD - Dopethrone

Alright, last album and it's... Heavy, really.

But it's a classic of the Stoner Metal genre, so i decided to include this one.

A record full of anger, hate and nihilism, it's not an easy listen at first, but go past the first impression and try to vibe with the music, let yourself loose in this sonic madness.

It became a modern classic, and it's pretty much the perfect introduction to the genre.

Well, these are my picks... i could've chosen a lot of other stuff from bands like JUDAS PRIEST, DARK TRANQUILLITY, OBITUARY, CORONER, HELLOWEEN, DARK FUNERAL, EMPEROR, ANTHRAX, SAXON, SAINT VITUS and so on, but these are the 10 record that, to me, might help people find their favourite Metal subgenre so they can later explore properly - and if you need suggestions, feel free to ask -.

10 postions aren't much, so feel free to add your suggestions in the comment so this entry might be as complete as possible!

4 Kudos


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zero.doomspire's profile picture


and thank you for the other album recos, you are very much appreciated

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THANKS TO YOU! Glad you enjoyed the albums. EDM is a great record

by Margio; ; Report