i'm pretty sure that everyone has at least one movie they know is objectively bad but love anyway. the one you wouldn't be caught dead watching with friends but gets put on every now and then cause it's just so horrendous it's amazing.
personally, i have several of these movies. i also happen to have no shame when it comes to my taste in media, so i will be defending some of them with my life for no reason other than to possibly convince other people that these movies aren't as bad as their reputations.
no. 1: catwoman (2004)
everyone who bashes this movie just doesn't get it.
for the longest time i've seen youtube videos shitting so hard on this movie and i always just thought: "why???" i hadn't seen it in the longest time until recently, but i do remember that 6 year old me fucking wore out the dvd with rewatches so i went in with high hopes. i was not disappointed.
this movie is camp. it is everything i wish all superhero movies would be. i'm fucking tired of all the dull, 'by-the-books' superhero movies that have been coming out for the past 15 years. i grew up on comic books. imo, comic book movies should have the same feeling as what they're based on, and that would mean they should be silly, over-the-top, and fun. that's this movie. it's silly, over-the-top, and fun. most people just aren't ready for movies that don't have the superiority complexes they personally have stuck up their asses.
no. 2: dracula 2000 (2000)
ahhh, wes craven. you wonderful bastard, you.
this movie, just like the previous, is silly and dumb. i won't deny that. but nobody can convince me that the silliness and idiocy is bad here. the movie wasn't directed by craven, but he's listed as a executive producer and his name's on the fucking cover of the dvd (which i proudly own) so it's basically still his movie and you can tell.
is it camp? not exactly? i mean vampires in film are, in their own right, camp by default. it's hard to do vampires without just a little bit of camp somewhere in the mix. i think this movie is more nostalgic than campy, even though i didn't grow up in the era it came out. i just love how fucking 2000 it feels in every possible way. the soundtrack. the cast. the vibes. it's amazingly dated.
also. the plot. dracula literally being judas, cursed to be immortal as punishment for betraying jesus. hello??? that's fucking genius and this movie deserves credit just for that.
i love this stupid little vampire movie. i also love jonny lee miller as a freaked-out antiques dealer turned vampire hunter. husbanding in every moment he has on screen.
no. 3: the quick and the dead (1995)
directed by sam raimi. need i say more?
i've seen this movie once and that was all i needed to love it. i usually don't go for westerns, but this movie was basically every single western ever made all combined into one and it's led by sharon stone as a badass lady-gunslinger. i never need to watch another western again.
i love how cliche it is. i love the costuming, the set design, and the cinematography. i love the funny silly script. this movie is somehow perfect for me while being in the genre i tend to dislike. i think because it knows it's cliche and completely leans into it. i don't understand all of the bad reviews it gets.
well, that's all for now. to anyone who reads this blog: please please tell me your favorite 'so bad it's good' movies. i need more to satiate myself.
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Favourite bad movie(s) would have to be the mega shark franchise. it's so shit but I love it. I've watched mega shark Vs mecha shark 4 times now and I have a poster in my room of mega shark Vs giant octopus. garbage television is my jam fr