Guys college freedom is so nice but what the heck!!! Wym I have to do everything and feed myself??
BUT!!! I've finally been able to be myself and express my style (0,0) I would get made fun of when I experimented with my style before college but now everyone compliments me WHAT THE HECKKK (my parents say it's because I'm at a liberal arts college)
college is so weird and adulting is weird. I can be friends with my professors and my professors like me??????! I have free will?!??!?!??!
tldr; I suggest the college experience to sheltered children who were always called weird for expressing their interests
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It's college in general. People have matured and those who didn't really won't stay long probably drop out or something.
I'm a biology teacher, and I obviously went to a university of biology after two years spent in a med school and both were very accepting of my clothing style. It's not just art school, I assure you ahah ^^
It already happened that I went dressed in all pastel colors, or with heavy eye makeup... I even went once that we had a history of science class dressed up in a full 18th century outfit, and everyone, teachers included, just found that highly funny (we had a dissection programmed that day, and to push the joke further, the teacher had me use the old instruments that were normally exposed in a glass cabinet we had in the coridor just in front of the classroom. They were surprisingly ok to use).
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Good to know lollll
I'm a Biology major!!
by spiralofhope; ; Report
Ooooh fellow biologist! Nice 🤌
by MentorSansRemords; ; Report