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Simple Ways 2 Reduce Waste!!

    。*゚+Simple Ways 2 Reduce Waste!!+。*Crused Marrie Regular

There are a lot of simple things during our day 2 day that can increase the overall amount of waste we produce & put out into the world. Here I'm going to list off just some of the ways I like to cut back as much as possible without putting in much effort!  

( Although, I do recommend looking into other,  more informed/credible sources for more information! )

No. 1 Recycle!!! as much as you can, any opportunity you get!!!! when you're out, look for the recycling bins if you have recyclable garbage!!!!! (Obviously)

No. 2 Do NOT throw away any old clothing, dish/washrags, sheets/blankets, or any unused fabrics, unless you absolutely have to!!! All of these things can be up-cycled, just like garbage can be recycled! You can also donate them to your local thrift/charity shops or give them to people in need in your community, depending on the item, quality, and circumstances! :) 

No. 3 If you have the option when shopping, try your best to avoid large companies & corporations that are openly contributing to the issues at hand! And start doing your own research on who those companies are, who's all under them & what specifically they are doing!! 

No. 4 DITCH TRENDS!!! Trends are one of the biggest tricks consumers fall for and when you shop for household items/ furniture/ clothing/ any long-term use items with trends in mind, you end up getting something much more expensive, that you'll no longer love as much once its no longer trending!! DITCH TRENDS!!!!! 

No. 5 If you can, Try to walk as much as possible!! According to the EPA:

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation account for about 28 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, making it the largest contributor of U.S. GHG emissions. 

If your friends house, or gas station, or park, or grocery store, coffee shop, work, or school is within walking distance, and you have the means/ability too & can do so safely, walk there!!!!

If this reaches anyone and they want more information on any of the subjects mentioned, please comment & I'll post some more links!!

Links 2 the main sources I used!!! :,turning%20the%20compost%20pile%20easy.

If you made it this far, thank you 4 reading!!! ^^

-Rotted Bunnii !!


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