Sea - poem

I sit down on the cliff overlooking the sea

I watch the gull fly high and free

The wave that crashes down below 

The foam that ripples to and fro 

The salty scent upon the wind 

That through time will abscind 

The very rock where now I sit 

Bleary eyed I think of it 

Time's heavy hand how it falls 

The grave how it calls 

So little time now at last 

Mournful I remember the past 

How wasted youth had been 

In the halls of greed and sin 

I look now into the waters deep

And into my mind begins to creep 

What if the sea and I were to merge? 

Me unto the churning surge? 

The void beckons me tender and mild 

O how I wish to be again a child 

Undaunted by this tempest 

Again in the cradle simplest 

Gray clouds gather in the north 

A cold gale coming forth 

I turn my back unto the sea 

Not today will it claim me. 

7 Kudos


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